Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Unusual Chemistry

He walked with a pronounced limp as though he trudged through unseen snow or thicket. He wore a mo-hawk hairstyle, designer shirt sleeve, chinos trousers, and top-end loafers. He was handsome.

I watched as he kept trudging on tiled floor with an unmistakable confident gait. He had style despite his physical challenge. Got to give him that.

Yet, my heart sank as I watched him. Then I heard him speak so fluently with a good command of the English language and my heart simply melted.

Still my heart sank and all I kept thinking asking was, WHY? Was his limp due to an accident, or was it because of ignorance, forgetfulness or sheer disregard for taking precaution when he was young to get vaccinated for polio?

As I looked at him while he carried out his activities, I began to wonder if any woman would accept him completely as a whole man despite his bodily limitation. By the time my mind returned from its faraway thoughts to the present, he was no longer in sight. Where did he go? 

Moments later as I stepped into the air-conditioned bus, I saw him! He held on to the waist of a dark complexioned pretty woman! He embraced her affectionately, cuddled her repeatedly, laughed and teased her at the same time and the woman responded girlishly as she giggled then frowned at something and began smiling again. I think he almost gave her a peck! (wink!)

I loved what I saw and my heart ascended from its original descent to luxuriate at the beautiful, loving sight before me. Everyone deserves love, to be accepted wholly and unconditionally.

And yes! love can be found in the strangest of places.

When you find love, it is yours to take, to embrace, and to own. It is yours. You do not need the approval of someone else to determine whom you love or where you find love.

But remember, with every choice comes cause and effect. So be ready to live with your decision. And while at it, make it worth your while. Cheers.

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