Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Truth is singular; its variations are not.

You say he stands for the truth. She stands for the truth. They stand for the truth. 
Take a look again. Does he? Does she? Do they?

When the “God” hocus-pocus is invoked, what should be changed?
        What becomes inviolable? 

Do we say: 

1. Keep the order as it is?

2. God is silent on the matters concerning women

3. Let them be subjected to abuse, shame, discrimination, rejection and prejudices?

4. This world is not my own, so whatever happens to it and the people in it I don’t care because my stay is temporary and Paradise with God awaits me. 
        The question is: which earth will that paradise be? If you can't make the effort to maintain and sustain what you already have, how do you hope to keep the 'future' one better?

 ‘The weak are to be eaten by the strong’? Says who? Darwin?
         What does that statement really mean?
         Is it literal, a metaphor or just an expression?
         Is it a state determined by a condition or a pragmatic choice of self defense?
         Or is it a case of greed driven by the desire for absolute power and control?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This post clearly touches on the huge impact that subtle nuances have on our world. My lazy synthesis of John Locke, Darwin and that a few other guys who wrote about human nature is that at a subconscious level, survival guides a large part of human action/interaction.

    As for the God matter. Nothing changes until people go out to change things. This is mostly the case for civil rights in general or labor rights. Its always a fight between the weak and the strong. The weak seem to make some progress when they form a strong enough coalition to actualize their goals. While we may still believe that diaris god. it is up to us to change things. For example, in naija we pray before every journey, but we are probably more acquainted to ghastly motor accidents than all the western countries who are not as "god fearing."

    What is true and what is false for me is determined by one's reference point. In essence, truth is simply a nominal notion

    Ehijie Edoro

  3. Interesting POV Ehijie Edoro. Love the example about praying for the journey without considering the issues of safety precautions needed. Very apt.

    Truth is really about what the fact is. Not what we think the fact says. E.g: The Law of Gravitation. What goes up comes down. Fact. Law of Aerodynamics: What goes up stays up. Fact.
    But wait? Doesn't that sound contradictory?
    No. Fact is where it resides, can be proven, is seen, is experienced, and it's not a variable.
    When you're on earth, the law of gravitation holds. Fact.
    But when you're in the moon, the law of aerodynamics holds. Fact.
    Truth therefore is fact that has no variables. It is Singular.
