Monday, June 23, 2014


The very root of Naija's problems? Plenty talk no action. 

Action that has a well thought-out plan that turns strategic planning into exact doable targeted actions that is holistic with the maximum advantage to all.

Once Nigerians are sitting comfortably, they never get up - Political Obesity is the Name of the Game. Social paralysis is the disease.

In the end both the politicians and the electorates cry out "Chai! Chai! There's God o. Chai! Chai! There is God o! 

Change only happens when WE MAKE THE CHANGE; not talk the change.

When the Electorate decides to wake up from this religious slumber of leaving everything in the hands of God when he's already given us the tools to make our lives better, then, and only then, will they live the life that they deserve.

To the Youth, it begins with this current generation. You can change things. When someone asks you to give them your money, your time, your ability, learn to ask for an equivalent value in return. Sometimes it may require you 'demanding' it in very subtle ways without breaking a sweat over it.

Value here is asking for lasting visionary institutions, frameworks, practical implementation of workable policies, respect for the rule of law, learning tools, life skills and platforms of creative engagement. Rewarding excellence and not mediocrity.

Go for it! Value for value; not value for nothing. Sometimes what you need is not cash but a viable, sustainable systems that works. Because when the system works, the cash rolls in which in turn spreads wealth.

It means protecting and sustaining the goose that lays the golden eggs while making sure that all golden eggs laid are used to bring in value in return.

In other words:
Tools + Training + Experience x Mindset = SUCCESS.

photo credit acknowledged
Let us stop this political obesity and kwashioko thinking that is killing an exceptional country with exceptional people blessed with extraordinary resources.



After all, 
A Good Plan = Tactical Targets = Execution results in FORWARD PROGRESS.

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