Thursday, October 9, 2014

Kill The Messenger? It Might Just Be YOU!

I never guessed my first real job out of college would put me near the front lines of an international conspiracy, journalistic controversy, and new media revolution. An experience that would teach me some lifelong lessons I use in my work today. But there's a lot of backstory to explain first.

In 1996, I was a freshly minted grad, lucky enough to work as part of an amazing team at Mercury Center, the innovative online arm of the San Jose Mercury News.

Well before the proliferation of social media, Mercury Center had license to push the boundaries of journalism as the beacon newspaper of Silicon Valley. The online medium was a perfect opportunity to tell very complex stories, especially one of the paper's best investigative reporters wanted to tell. 

Gary Webb was a Pulitzer Prize winning reporter who wrote a series known as "Dark Alliance: The Story Behind the Crack Explosion." The story was complex and combustive. Grossly simplified, it asserted a connection between CIA-backed Contras and Nicaraguans smuggling crack cocaine into South Central Los Angeles, alleging the profits funneled back to the Contras. A movie about Gary Webb, called "Kill the Messenger," opens Friday, and has resurrected the experience, sparking reflection for me and my former colleagues.

Working with Gary, we immersed the reader into the story, sharing audio-surveillance clips of alleged drug deals, declassified government documents with redactions throughout, interactive maps showing the flow of weapons and drugs across continents, and perhaps most importantly, an interactive forum for readers to share their reactions with Gary. Crude interactions when compared to today's content, but all innovations in a time well before Google, YouTube or Facebook.

Gary loved the interactive elements, and saw the power it brought to his words, in a way that let him connect with readers. His resolute confidence, his dogged pursuit of the truth, and his thirst for answers typified everything that had made me want to be a journalist. I loved working with the guy, just hearing his stories about his work, and in a small way, helping him with his mission. 

The story was controversial, and the website and forum helped ignite the fire that took it around the world, far beyond the reaches of the modestly sized newspaper. Congressional leaders called for hearings. Their constituents demanded justice and action. The story began to pick up around the world, and the forum's activity grew.

But almost as swift as the story took off, so did the condemnation, at first from major news outlets like the NY Times, LA Times, and Washington Post. And soon after, even from within, from colleagues and coworkers, who began to question his reporting and the paper's handling of the story. 

It was strange having people ask me whether I believed Gary. It was difficult participating in discussion panels where my journalistic heroes from storied newspapers tore apart Gary's work and our online presentation of it. Maybe I was too green to know better, but I still believed in him. 

It wasn't long before the Mercury News wrote a well-considered retraction and self-investigation. Gary's reputation was destroyed, and he was shuttered to a remote office. He eventually left, and after what must've been an amazingly difficult period of several years, tragically, he took his own life.

Before he did, there was some vindication. Some of his critics stepped back from their accusations, admitting they went too far, and there was more truth to the story than they had accepted. Even the CIA eventually admitted some relationship, if not as explicitly detailed in Gary's account, but enough to show he wasn't way off the mark.

While my role was very small, my experience working with Gary still resonates with me today in three lessons:

You have to stand for something.

Whether at work or in life, what matters to you? What are your convictions and beliefs? What drives you ahead? It's easy to slip through every day's routine and losing sight of why you keep showing up. What do you want to be known for leading? What's the one thing people will say about you in discussions at work? (e.g., "She's the person who guarantees we will be more customer-focused." Or "He's the person who will ensure this company does the right thing.")

It doesn't have to be a superhero trait like truth or justice! It can be an initiative you're working on that you're passionate about -- something you will refuse to see fail. It can be a conviction about investing in your family first, perhaps. But if you don't stand for something, you stand for nothing.

Having courage can be lonely.

Sometimes doing what you believe in means others will criticize you, isolate you, and take action against you. You can find yourself alone as a result. This is a time where bravery is even more difficult. With your courage of convictions, you have to press forward.

At work, it's always easy to be tempted with the short-cut, or to compromise on the product in the interest of time, or bend on things you thought were resolute. While you must be open-minded, if you stand for something, sometimes, you might have to march forward alone.

The truth isn't always clear.

In a world of polarizing news stories and rhetoric, it's easy to be seduced by the headlines. But often, truth is nuanced. I dont know if Gary ever doubted any of the things he wrote. And maybe we won't ever know all the truth behind what happened.

No surprise that work and life aren't that different. But can you have conviction, and still be willing to consider the contrarians? Without that consideration, you push the same one-sided rhetoric. The best leaders I've seen have a clear vision and plan to pursue it, but are never unwilling to hear other opinions to potentially adjust that path.

It's easy to reflect back upon my experience to pick up these soundbite lessons. But I admit it's sometimes difficult to be consistent. If I were in Gary's shoes back then, I don't know I could've maintained the objectivity, especially amid the relentless criticism. But I hope to embody his integrity and passion through my work in the future.

PS by LadyE: Truth is SINGULAR; It's variations are not.

This story was culled from: LinkedInShare, written by Mark Hull, Director of Product Management at LinkedIn.
The story was tilted: Kill the Messenger: Lessons Learned from a Global Controversy
Oct 8 2014 on LinkedInShare on FacebookShare on Google PluseShare on Twitter.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


An Unusual Place to Meet Your Favourite Celeb: all it will cost you is a to-and-fro flight ticket, a two-day hotel stay, meal tickets for two days, one day train ticket and possibly a visa.

"Where?" You ask excitedly!

None other than at Madame Tussaud's.

Join me, feel free to ask your Celeb any questions, any questions at all...for they shall be answered pronto.

'Am so full of mirth right now. I hope you find the 'story' stimulating enough for your next trip (wink!). 'Cos it always fun and different each time.  

Albert Einstein with Lady E. Go figure!!! 
(YOU can BECOME what YOU PREPARE for!)
My first meeting with Einstein was beyond surreal! I gasped. I jumped and I almost shouted. Only it exploded into a childish giggle of wonder! Thing is, he just stared back at me with those those intelligent eyes of his; enjoying my irrational response at seeing him teaching. He didn't mind that I had interrupted his class for even the minutest of a second. He knew what I wanted, so he obliged me: "Snap away!" he said. Of course I snapped away, 'cos I simply had to steal this shot of a lifetime with the man that changed this world with a simple formula: E = MC2(square). That period became the era of the Superpowers! Whoever had control of the formula would determine the fate of mankind. Sadly, the story of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the lessons therefrom, should not, and must not be forgotten. Einstein discovered a powerful formula, but the misuse and abuse of it, plunged man to near self-destruct. At any rate, you've gat to love Einstein - for there was a man with an intelligent mind. 

Morgan Freeman with Lady E
 (Your MIND is Your TOOL. USE IT.)
Do you recall the Film Lean on Me? Fair Eastside High School? That was the film that made me love Morgan Freeman. His belief in his students, their capacity to learn and become who they can BE, despite their background, environment, peer pressure, lack of family care and the pressure of conforming with the title of HNIC's stance, Morgan set free his students. Not by telling them what to do but encouraging them to learn to use their head - get their mind to work! because they can overcome any odds with that powerful tool! And for that reason I just couldn't miss a snap shot with this Man who showed just how powerful we can all take charge of our 'fate' or 'destiny' as some would say. It was an absolute pleasure to meet you Sir Morgan Freeman.

George Clooney with Lady E
 (did you see that grin!hahaha)

Do you see my almost-face-spitting grin! Only one guy is responsible for that. George Clooney! The one guy women all over drool for! Don't tell me you missed that Expresso Coffee Advert! Anyways, I simply wanted to charm myself a bit. I even had to pinch myself to make sure it was real. And guess what? George was every bit as charming as the guy you ever first fell in love with (it doesn't matter whether you married the guy or not; it's just that feeling you experienced I want you to recall). Hmmm. You bet! All the single ladies! Put your hands up! Hahahahaa.
Judy Dench 'M -Bond 007' with Lady E
(now...THIS is something)
My love and respect for Judi Dench is simply more of awe. I admire her for the roles she delivers; the persona she brings on screen for each character. Dench understands the power of language, the significance of the meaning behind each character she protrays. She has this underlying perception of the real issues beneath every story, every plot and every objective a film hopes to capture. Above all, she steals your heart the only way someone like Julia Roberts would. Now, that's a woman with a mission! Her exit from 007 was how I had envisioned her to leave: with a mission thoroughly accomplished; no excuses for not doing the job well.Thanks Judi, for this exclusive pix like no other. (WINK!) -"it will always be alright in the end"

Usain Bolt & Lady E 
(You can Become what You PREPARE for!)      

Usain Bolt tells you that you have no reason NOT to reach for you own star! Oh yes it's true. He beat his own record three times! And every other record before him. You've got your own star (hehehe). When I saw Bolt, I went loco with a positive vibe. I've always been an athlete, even coached my school's first female football team too (yeah!); so I could really relate with Bolt. In the end, it is not the race, religion, background, education, social status, etc that determines how far you want to go. These experiences only exposes, probably shape a bit of you but they do not determine who you choose to become. YOU DO.

That is why I title this piece with my personal Credo: YOU BECOME WHAT YOU PREPARE FOR(TM).

Saturday, July 26, 2014


The other day I got talking to a friend of mine I hadn't seen in donkey years. We talked about everything: school, work, family, politics, religion, passions, joys and disappointments.

You may be surprised to find out what his greatest disappointment was. His reply to me was: "Do you know sickening it is to see men in changing rooms wearing torn, rumpled and sometimes dirty boxers and briefs? It's even more devastating to be living with a wife who is not clean down there. Who feels her personal hygiene is not enough for me to feel disinterested in fulfilling my marital dues."

I think the look on my face must have been one of bewilderment because his next response to me "Yeah, right she said that to me", got me sitting upright on my chair. Now I was all attention. But that was when he decided to change the subject.

Just yesterday, a woman at the office was gisting to another close friend of hers (I happen to be within their hearing shots 'cos they wanted me to make my inputs later once I'm through with what I was doing), of how her husband came home all sweaty and dusty from the Lagos traffic and simply wanted to get down with her without washing first. She tried to get him to wash but he took that as a personal insult and stomped off to a point-and-kill joint to hang out with his friends instead watching the FIFA 2014 World Cup.

My point? 

Women and men; husbands and wives want to be treated like babies: kissed, cuddled, touched, hugged, necked, loved, etc. But as you can see it's a whole lot easier to do that when we smell good and clean, right? And just in case you've forgotten, it's part of the romance in marriage. That doesn't mean you buy expensive perfumes. No. Simple daily wash and regular cleaning is all you need. How cheap is that?

Besides you don't have to wait till you're married to keep clean. Smelling fresh and clean is a lifestyle. It is not some act you put on when the guy is around, and put off when the babe has left the building.

So, HOW CLEAN ARE YOU down there and in every respects...?


Fearless Love

Be The Best You Never Thought You Could Aspire To Be... 
Because in the End is About Looking Back and Saying: "I Did It; Yes I Can and Will!!!" 
Now, that is FEARLESS LOVE....
Living Everyday of your life as the Greatest Opportunity, rather than a reason to fear.

What Is Holding Your Dreams Back?


Whatever you conceive in your mind manifests itself in your life...feed it with negativity and all you get are failures, fears, non-productivity, feelings of not being loved and wanted. But when you Believe and tell your subconscious mind that it has so much goodness, worth, love and capacity, then you'll see it manifest in every facet of you life!

An 'unusual encounter' (wink!)

All You Need Is A Thousand Steps

It’s all about One Step at a time... there's no need to rush. It's like learning to fly... unless of course you want to crash land, there is no short cut to success. Do what you have to do but never be too much in a hurry to deep your hands into the frying pan to prove you can take 'risks.'

How can you achieve this?
Here are 5 key steps you need to take:
  1. What are your clear goals?
  2. What are your measurable goals?
  3. What are your Specific goals?
  4. What are your Plans?
  5. What are your Action strategies?
When you can answer these questions, then you are on your way to making that BIG DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW!

See you where you want me to meet you!

Monday, June 23, 2014


I just have to share this thought from Damola Oshodi. It's food for thought:


When they loot money, they keep it in SWITZERLAND.

When sick, they go to GERMANY.

When investing, they go over to AMERICA.

When buying Mansions, they visit LONDON/CANADA. 

When shopping, they go to DUBAI.

When on holidays, they visit PARIS&DUBLIN.

When praying, they go To SAUDI ARABIA or JERUSALEM.

But when they DIE, they all want to be BURIED in NIGERIA.

Abeg help me ask dem; NIGERIA na cementery?

Photo Credit: Cemetry
Casualty Record Detail





"But Doctor, you don't understand, that is not by portion!"

Mastectomy: is a word not very common in the vocabulary of Nigeria women, much less Nigeria babes. Suppose you were confronted with it...what would you do?

Mrs Osofia's case is called a double mastectomy, a surgical procedure that removes both her breasts.

A cancer/mastectomy research conducted in Nigeria by Adetunji Saliu Oguntola et al in the Pan African Medical Journal (ISSN 1937-8688), breast cancer is the commonest malignancy among women in Nigeria [1].  Only 60 (24.2%) of the respondents believe that cancer of the breast can affect a woman if there is a strong history of death below age 50 years among three or four women in a family with breast cancer while the others 188 (77.8%) do not agree it could happen.

According the National Health Service UK, there are several different types of mastectomy, depending on the areas that are removed.


Some of the main types of mastectomy include:
  1. Standard mastectomy – all the breast tissue and most of the skin covering it is removed
  2. Skin-sparing mastectomy – all of the breast tissue is removed including the nipple, but most of the skin covering the breast is left
  3. Subcutaneous mastectomy – a skin-sparing mastectomy where the nipple is not removed
  4. Radical mastectomy – when all of the breast tissue is removed, plus the skin covering it, the two muscles behind the breast and the lymph nodes in the armpit, but this is now only carried out rarely 
  5. Modified radical mastectomy – a radical mastectomy where the large muscle behind the breast (the larger of the two pectoral muscles) is left in place.
It can happen to any woman, as cancer is non-selective but for those who may be predisposed to it due to their geneticS: from mother or father's side of the family, the chances are higher. Ironically, if I ask how well you know your paternal and maternal health history, can you tell?

Amongst the risk factors conducted in Nigeria by Clement A. Adebamowo, Professor of Surgery and
Chairman of National Health Research Ethics Committee of Nigeria, some of the risk factors for breast cancer in women Nigeria leading to possible mastectomy are:

US actress and special UN envoy Angelina Jolie
 Exogenous exposure to estrogens
 Use of hormonal contraceptives 
 Hormone replacement therapy
 Attained height and waist-hip ratio
 Dietary factors
 Animal fat
 Alcohol
 Obesity
 Tobacco smoking

A very famous actress, who may happen to be your favourite celebrity, Angelina Jolie had to take preemptive and drastic action to have both her breast removed. She admitted this in the New York Times after doctors told her she had an 87% risk of breast cancer. But what was her underlying reason for taking this step? She said she wanted to live long enough for her children.

Shocked? You shouldn't. Mastectomy is a reality.


Now that you know this, when was the last time you examined your breasts?

The picture below, courtesy of, takes you through the steps for breast examination.

Step1. Breast Self-Exam – Step 1          Step 2. Breast Self-Exam – Steps 2 and 3 

When was the last time you you did a cervical swab test?

Or are you saying to yourself, it won't happen to me in ... name?

Did you recently see discolouration on your breast, lumps or unusual swelling or liquid secretion?

Then you should go and see you doctor.

And like I would always say: prevention is better; don't give room for cure.                                       

Click on this videolink and websites to learn more:


If 'toasting' to get a mate is hardwork, it’s definitely twice that when you marry or become solid partners. 

The fact is, the toasting MUST continue if that relationship is ever going to be worth it.

Why? Because it takes the same fun-loving but committed discipline that makes you pursue your mate during dating and courtship to never letting that flame die even after marriage and most especially when the children now joins that extraordinary union. 

Truth is, the 'dating' and 'courtship' must continue. Once you stop 'dating' each other, it simply lose steam.

Photo Credit: GE-fACTOR Models - F & F
In the end, Once a woman is sitting, she should do well never to lose the plot. Same for the man. 

Finding the Face of Happiness is truly how YOU PAINT IT. 

Getting married, being in a partnership or getting hooked doesn't bring happiness. Rather it is you that brings happiness into it.

So, Live Life. Give it Meaning. Enjoy it!!!


The very root of Naija's problems? Plenty talk no action. 

Action that has a well thought-out plan that turns strategic planning into exact doable targeted actions that is holistic with the maximum advantage to all.

Once Nigerians are sitting comfortably, they never get up - Political Obesity is the Name of the Game. Social paralysis is the disease.

In the end both the politicians and the electorates cry out "Chai! Chai! There's God o. Chai! Chai! There is God o! 

Change only happens when WE MAKE THE CHANGE; not talk the change.

When the Electorate decides to wake up from this religious slumber of leaving everything in the hands of God when he's already given us the tools to make our lives better, then, and only then, will they live the life that they deserve.

To the Youth, it begins with this current generation. You can change things. When someone asks you to give them your money, your time, your ability, learn to ask for an equivalent value in return. Sometimes it may require you 'demanding' it in very subtle ways without breaking a sweat over it.

Value here is asking for lasting visionary institutions, frameworks, practical implementation of workable policies, respect for the rule of law, learning tools, life skills and platforms of creative engagement. Rewarding excellence and not mediocrity.

Go for it! Value for value; not value for nothing. Sometimes what you need is not cash but a viable, sustainable systems that works. Because when the system works, the cash rolls in which in turn spreads wealth.

It means protecting and sustaining the goose that lays the golden eggs while making sure that all golden eggs laid are used to bring in value in return.

In other words:
Tools + Training + Experience x Mindset = SUCCESS.

photo credit acknowledged
Let us stop this political obesity and kwashioko thinking that is killing an exceptional country with exceptional people blessed with extraordinary resources.



After all, 
A Good Plan = Tactical Targets = Execution results in FORWARD PROGRESS.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


What Is Your Reason For CONVICTION?

Never be afraid to ASK.
Never be afraid to QUESTION.
When you know you don’t know, that’s an Intelligent Mind at work. 
Don’t bury it by assuming or pretending you know. 
For it distorts the process of a Creative Mind at work.

Never be afraid to Question your Teacher, a Mentor, your Lecturer or Professor.
For to Question is to Know.
To Know is to Learn.
To Learn is to Put to Use.
To Put to Use is to Make it a Way of Life.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. 
Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. 
Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. 
Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. 
But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason, practicality and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.

Learn to zoom into the lens of your mind to see the devil in the details


Do you think you will never get married? 

Are you afraid that somehow time is ticking away and yet you've not found that special man or woman yet?

Have you ever attended a relationship seminar or event before? If you have, then you're familiar with the scenario. So here I was, invited to speak at a Relationship Seminar on Managing Time in South-East Nigeria. This particular seminar was targeted at single men and women between the ages of 25 and late 30s who are still looking for a mate. The hall was packed full and I could tell from the tense and excited look on their faces that this seminar was a last resort to make it happen.

As the programme went on it became obvious that many did not think they were going to end up finding a marriage partner any time soon let alone find love. Their anxiety was palpable. A dark in complexion lady, age 32 said she's always dated the wrong men who were not willing to settle. Another lady in her late twenties remarked that most of the men wanted sex before marriage. A few of the guys argued that many a lady just want to get as much cash and fun as possible during dating and courtship. However the most common views expressed was the fear of remaining single longer than was necessary. Some stress the word 'single' as though it was a stigmatised label.

The hostess of the seminar called me aside and whispered her concern over their seeming desperation. "How do we address this?" she asked me. So I got up and delivered this impromptu speech:

If YOU CANNOT BE HAPPY LIVING WITH YOURSELF; then you can't bring happiness to a relationship you're not even ready for, neither can you stay attractive enough to the other person who is keen on sharing the rest of his live with you. To tell the truth, history has always shown that women will always be more than men statistically. And when you think about it, all over the world certain cultures and traditions you see have evolved over time are as a result of 'needs' and 'lacks' like these.

Even religious evolution and teachings reek of solutions provided for such 'needs'. That is why polygamy in its many shades still exists today and will continue to exist. But that is beside the point here.

Be that as it may the sad truth is that even the 'monogamy ideal' that is being pursued and practiced today by many seems no better, as it is riddled with its own challenges and sometimes failures. Whether we like it or not, some decisions and choices are not necessarily out of cohesion, frustration, duress or conformity, but out of a desire to find a certain fulfilment. In the end this is what I'll say: marriage is NOT a perfect arrangement; it is the imperfect persons in it who makes it look perfect and easy when onlookers sneak a peek in.

In order words, SINGLENESS CAN BE A GIFT; it is not a curse, it is not something to be ashamed of, neither should it be given the status of a stigma. 

And who says marring early = being happily married?
Who says that marring early = having babies earlier?
Who says that you can only be happily married before you hit 35 years as a woman?
Who says having children = being a happy and fulfilled person?
Who says if you don't find the man or woman right for you at 40 years, so therefore you MUST settle for 'anything'?
Who are you even trying to please kpaakpa?

Even the Creator does not make such demands of Us! Why should you my ladies and gentlemen weigh yourself with too much thinking of what people will say or wrongly assume that your happiness lies in being with somebody else?!

If YOU CANNOT BE HAPPY LIVING WITH YOURSELF first, then you can't bring happiness to a relationship you're not even ready for.

Hmm...Now I shall ask: are you a married person, single woman or man for that matter? If you are, look inside in by burrowing this attitude, say this to yourself: 

"I still live each day with laughter in my heart, music in my soul, purpose in my thoughts and activities with my limbs!"

Why should you say this you may wonder...

Because even when you're married, you'll always still be an individual in a 3-fold cord with with a strong awareness of your spiritual connection to the Supreme Being. Marriage is about the union of three identities that forms a solid pyramid: YOU, ME & US! Remove 'me' and there will be no 'us'. And if you try and remove 'US', then there can be no 'you and me'. Smile because when you're ready to be that 'perfect' woman (in character, words, sex, food choices, decision making, relationships building, lifestyle, development, etc.,) the 'perfect' man will come to you!

ME>.......................................< US >..............................<YOU
figure source:
Text credit: Lady E


Then age and time will not prevent it. Instead use the time and age on your side to become a positive person who attracts positive energies. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. The quality of who you now is the kind of mate you'll attract to yourself. Knowing who you are now, will help you know and attract the type of person that truly suits you.

The most important thought I will leave with you is this: try to develop the ability to LIVE WITH YOURSELF (whatever the choice you eventually make, be it monogamy, polygamy, partnership or choosing to remain single).

I hope today you will choose to find that inner peace and calm to live joyfully even with yourself...

MOVIE REVIEW: My Philosophical POV


A six-in one film, the title Cloud Atlas doesn't say much, except perhaps you're quick to deduce the word 'atlas' means globe. Yet the sheer number of themes and sub-themes portrayed in this extraordinary movie is powerfully poignant – a profound incision into the mind of man: why and how history keeps repeating itself.

Each of the six stories is the same in essence but set in different time, space and periods. Each story revealing that when we don’t see the truth, we feed ourselves with poison. Not being fully informed, not being knowledgeable enough, not willing to explore prevents us from seeing things as objectively as they are – and should I dare say – as they truly are.

The entire story shows unequivocally who the true savages, poisons and human eaters are: they are those who believe that they can take away another’s freedom by putting them in bondage – take away their land, their source of income, their identity, their individual and collective freedom, their resources and source of life, and they will capitulate. That is the chant these human destroyers live by.

The sub message of this story proves how so-called colonials, world powers, politicians, business men and dictators who crave for absolute powers and control are the poison who destroys the best in man. They are the ones who prevent us man from reaching his ultimate attainment.


However, the key message is about self-freedom from deeply entrenched thinking that hold us down. For you to be truly free, you must takes steps to make that happen. It does not mean taking over the mind of others, neither does it mean trying to control people or how they think using the carrot-and-stick techniques to keep people subservient and docile. It means respect for the lines of freedom even when the meanings are as diverse as the race of mankind – not only in its nature but also in specific terms. We are after all not as individual as we like to think, yet one’s experience no doubt is unique to one.

In the end, we are all HUMANS; All of us from the same source.

Aristocracy, religious superiority, world powers, dictatorship are simply terms used by those drunk with the seedy quest for absolute power: that definition that makes them feel powerful in relation to someone else because they have accrued to themselves that aggrandized authority to take away another person’s freedom to express otherwise, so they can impose their whims on them.

The film asks these questions:
- Who do you think you are?
- How far will you go to fight for what you believe?
- What manner will you choose to fight this belief you hold strongly?

That last question is what reveals who you truly are. It is not so much the act as much as the process in which we went through to get to that point when we act.

The film explores issues on:
- Religion, faith and beliefs
- Medicine
- Sexuality
- Activism
- Freedom of rights (individual and collective)
- The power of choice
- Individual goals and actions that enhances a beneficial collective goal
- Ownership
- Exploitation
- Abuse
- Treachery
- Family bonds
- Politics
- Big business, ethics, values and practices
- Environmental degradation
- Cover-ups
- Psychiatry, mind control, the opium of the masses
- Bondage
- Love
- Integrity

And what is the morale of the 6 Stories in one?
That each generation has a moral duty to preserve the past, learn from it and take it to another level so that the torch they now hand over to the future generation is not flawed. We all have to live up to the best within us. Each successive generation must always stand for the axioms of truth, if truth is to triumph. That way, history does not cruelly repeat itself like it has done these past centuries. Otherwise it will continue to be: garbage in; garbage out.

Now that is how to use a movie to tell a brilliant story, a call to action!
So tell me, did you by any chance watch the movie or you’ve got your own movie experience to share?


It is rogue to say: it’s a man’s world; and it is pretentious to say ‘it’s a man’s world dominated by women’.

I’ll give you another example (in continuation from part 1): a parent has a son who’s a professional gambler or poker player. She denounces his kind of ‘job’ as unethical, stealing and terrible. But when he rakes in money from his professional gambling and buys her a house, suddenly the poker job is okay, justified, even ‘good’ as long as it provides him a source of income. She now begins to defend him to others and say: “It is a legitimate business, you know.” What happened to all that ‘it’s unethical’ bla bla bla?

Another example is this: a mother knows that her daughter at the university does not have a job but every other day when the daughter returns home she comes along with expensive items: phones, jewelries, bags, clothes etc. not to mention food items in plastic bags. Her mother refuses to ask the source where all these comes from but chooses to be content, enjoying her daughter’s gifts. But the day she comes home pregnant and unwed or perhaps named as the mistress of a man, she’s the first to cast the stone of insult and shame as a heap on her daughter’s head. Question: why did the mother’s perception and response suddenly change? Why the pretense of pretending to ignore in the first place?

It is this same treatment of perception that is at the heart of the gay movement. Once you’re in the closet, you’re perceived as normal. You come out, you’re done for. All the good you've been known to do, your contributions to society, family and business development quickly goes down the drain in one swoop! People no longer define you by the contributions that you have made, but instead by the choice of your sex life. I ask: isn't the world saying “we like hypocrisy”? Why even put such a matter on the public burner as a worthy topic of discussion in the first place? And if it is indeed a matter of public debate, both sides must air their views: those against gay and those for it. Nobody should be indicted for not been seen as politically correct on this matter, as been politically correct is often a fad by the way. 

Meriam Yaha Ibrahim and hubby
 sphoto source:
When will we learn that a private matter is a private matter? Let those involve in it deal with it whether they choose to be monogamous, polygamous, partners or single. They are after all Consenting Adults (I’m not talking about child marriage here which is against the young woman’s wish) – which is what respecting the individual rights of another means, and not the perception of the collective religious right or begrudged acceptance of a group imposed on an individual. 

That is why it makes no sense that Meriam Yaha Ibrahim who chooses to marry a Christian different from her previous faith of being a Muslim has a right to marry whomever she wants to and so does Janet Jackson who chooses to marry a Muslim has as much right to choose the man that best suits her. It is a personal decision. That is where the line is drawn. When a religion feels it can impose its collective force on someone who has left that religion, it shows how bad that religion truly is even though it hides under ‘doing good’ as a religion. When a wolf leaves a pack, it seizes to be a member of that pack. Simple. But those that mean the other wolves will go hunting the lone wolf? Even nature knows that perception is a very faulty one.

Often I hear people say ‘you’re addressed as you dress’, that may be true sometimes but not all the time. The person, who chooses to address me by the way I dress, tells me that he has a serious issue of perception too. And that is why much of politics is so rotten. Politicians dress up their lies because that is the perception people want to see. It no longer matters if they live up to their promised manifestos. The case of UKIP and not Labour or LibDem or the other political parties wining the European election seats on behalf of Britain shows how powerful perceptions can be misleading. In the same vein, Nigeria’s government treatment and response to the over 200 Girls missing (even this statistics fluctuates), tells us how this misplaced and shifty perception works.  Advertising even Public Relations in more recent time colours perception; that doesn't make it true.

Perceptions should NOT be what you think it is. It is what it is. Perception is NOT pretending that things are different or we hope that what we see is different from how they are. It is what they are. 

That is why we all need to train our perceptive powers. It is not simply about been quick to ‘judge’, ‘discriminate’, or ‘label’ someone or something so we feel better or ‘superior’ than the next person. That is very subjective, careless and maybe foolish. Rather it is about seeing things as whole not because we are currently benefiting from it in the short run, but because we can live with it in the long run and still carry on with our lives accepting the bumps, accidents and misfires. 

There was a time when going to the Moon was labelled ‘an act against God’, a ‘desecration’. And those who went on the mission were labelled names not worthy of re-printing them on this page. Or for that matter when Galileo said the Earth and other planetary systems revolve around the relatively stationary Sun which is at the centre of the solar system, thus favouring Heliocentrism and not Geocentrism how he was subjected to the inquisition? He was not only found "vehemently suspect of heresy", he was forced to recant, and spent the rest of his life under house arrest. The irony? Those persons, who spoke rashly, thoughtlessly and even name-called, were the first grabbers of the benefits of what such knowledge and discoveries have opened to mankind.

So let us always pause a little more often before we utter statements of condemnation or even praise. Let us stop feeding our minds with misplaced and pretentious perceptions. Train your mind to always try to see things as they are. Perceptions matter.

After all, if somebody didn't take the risk, we who didn't dare won’t know what the risks are.