Sunday, July 27, 2014


An Unusual Place to Meet Your Favourite Celeb: all it will cost you is a to-and-fro flight ticket, a two-day hotel stay, meal tickets for two days, one day train ticket and possibly a visa.

"Where?" You ask excitedly!

None other than at Madame Tussaud's.

Join me, feel free to ask your Celeb any questions, any questions at all...for they shall be answered pronto.

'Am so full of mirth right now. I hope you find the 'story' stimulating enough for your next trip (wink!). 'Cos it always fun and different each time.  

Albert Einstein with Lady E. Go figure!!! 
(YOU can BECOME what YOU PREPARE for!)
My first meeting with Einstein was beyond surreal! I gasped. I jumped and I almost shouted. Only it exploded into a childish giggle of wonder! Thing is, he just stared back at me with those those intelligent eyes of his; enjoying my irrational response at seeing him teaching. He didn't mind that I had interrupted his class for even the minutest of a second. He knew what I wanted, so he obliged me: "Snap away!" he said. Of course I snapped away, 'cos I simply had to steal this shot of a lifetime with the man that changed this world with a simple formula: E = MC2(square). That period became the era of the Superpowers! Whoever had control of the formula would determine the fate of mankind. Sadly, the story of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the lessons therefrom, should not, and must not be forgotten. Einstein discovered a powerful formula, but the misuse and abuse of it, plunged man to near self-destruct. At any rate, you've gat to love Einstein - for there was a man with an intelligent mind. 

Morgan Freeman with Lady E
 (Your MIND is Your TOOL. USE IT.)
Do you recall the Film Lean on Me? Fair Eastside High School? That was the film that made me love Morgan Freeman. His belief in his students, their capacity to learn and become who they can BE, despite their background, environment, peer pressure, lack of family care and the pressure of conforming with the title of HNIC's stance, Morgan set free his students. Not by telling them what to do but encouraging them to learn to use their head - get their mind to work! because they can overcome any odds with that powerful tool! And for that reason I just couldn't miss a snap shot with this Man who showed just how powerful we can all take charge of our 'fate' or 'destiny' as some would say. It was an absolute pleasure to meet you Sir Morgan Freeman.

George Clooney with Lady E
 (did you see that grin!hahaha)

Do you see my almost-face-spitting grin! Only one guy is responsible for that. George Clooney! The one guy women all over drool for! Don't tell me you missed that Expresso Coffee Advert! Anyways, I simply wanted to charm myself a bit. I even had to pinch myself to make sure it was real. And guess what? George was every bit as charming as the guy you ever first fell in love with (it doesn't matter whether you married the guy or not; it's just that feeling you experienced I want you to recall). Hmmm. You bet! All the single ladies! Put your hands up! Hahahahaa.
Judy Dench 'M -Bond 007' with Lady E
(now...THIS is something)
My love and respect for Judi Dench is simply more of awe. I admire her for the roles she delivers; the persona she brings on screen for each character. Dench understands the power of language, the significance of the meaning behind each character she protrays. She has this underlying perception of the real issues beneath every story, every plot and every objective a film hopes to capture. Above all, she steals your heart the only way someone like Julia Roberts would. Now, that's a woman with a mission! Her exit from 007 was how I had envisioned her to leave: with a mission thoroughly accomplished; no excuses for not doing the job well.Thanks Judi, for this exclusive pix like no other. (WINK!) -"it will always be alright in the end"

Usain Bolt & Lady E 
(You can Become what You PREPARE for!)      

Usain Bolt tells you that you have no reason NOT to reach for you own star! Oh yes it's true. He beat his own record three times! And every other record before him. You've got your own star (hehehe). When I saw Bolt, I went loco with a positive vibe. I've always been an athlete, even coached my school's first female football team too (yeah!); so I could really relate with Bolt. In the end, it is not the race, religion, background, education, social status, etc that determines how far you want to go. These experiences only exposes, probably shape a bit of you but they do not determine who you choose to become. YOU DO.

That is why I title this piece with my personal Credo: YOU BECOME WHAT YOU PREPARE FOR(TM).

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