Thursday, March 5, 2015

So Many Ways to Make Money in Nigeria (1)

No currency beats honest currency! You don’t have to launder it, hide it, bury it or look over your shoulders afraid someone is going snatch it away in the same manner it was gotten.

With honest currency, all you need is just the right amount of:

  • Self-discipline
  • Principal 
  • Active and reliable portfolios 
  • Getting knowledgeable about financials and investment jargons as well as an 
  • Awareness of the many short and long term investment options there are

Here’s a surprise. Do you know that your next rent money for the flat you live in can return money on investment for you when kept in a fixed deposit account for one year? At the current interest rate of 10% - 11% that same rent money, say for example it’s N250,000 will yield @10% another N100,000 within that year. This is the equivalent of N25,000 every three months! Not bad, right? 

So if you have your next rent money on hand, rather than keep the money stashed away in a cupboard for three months sitting there doing nothing for you, with this knowledge you now can make your money work for you! Try it! It’s fun too! Just take along the necessary documents: Valid I.D, Passport, Utility Bills no less than six months, Bank Verification number and Signature card and you’re in!

Imagine what you will be earning year-in year-out if you make that fixed deposit secured for your child’s future education! No more school fees worry!

In fact, if someone gives you money to hold for him because he doesn’t want to spend it, the right place is a fixed deposit account! Because it is fixed, you cannot have access into that account no matter what until the number of days you’ve agreed to with the bank: 30 days, 60 days, 90 days or more. 

This is one way to make your money work for you! It also teaches you to have patience, learn to plan better, develop self-control when it comes to how you see money, savings, and investments and how you plan your future: owning a home (even when you’re single!), education, training, family obligations etc.

There is no shortcut to gaining honest wealth. Those who attempt shortcuts on the way always get burnt in the long run. Although some may live to spend their money, quite a number don’t.

But your case need not be like that. Start making your small change work for you and sit back and watch it yield money for you. No wayo-wayo; no jibiti! Just simple honest business.
Go visit your bank today! Now!

The next article will give you more info on other money investments you can tap into:

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