Monday, November 12, 2018

Lady E Show: How Online Media Publishers Can Prevent Proliferation of Di...

Online Media Publishers Can Prevent the Spread of Disinformation Through
Quality Content Proliferation.


Do not rebroadcast any post you have not taken time to verify.

Pause. Think.

Spreading false stories, reports, documents, malinformation, disinformation and information disorders is not a contest anyone wins.

Spreading unverified news, reports, stories, pictures and videos is harmful.

The Office Of The Citizen is serious business. Be responsible. For every action, there are consequences.

This video is the Lady E Show TV Series showcasing the Panel Discussion I moderated with Online Media Publishers proffering methods, steps and actions journalists and citizens needs to take to help tackle head-on the proliferation of fakes news in this season of political campaigns and elections in Nigeria 2019.

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