Monday, October 8, 2018

Patriotism vs Journalism

Are you a true citizen of your country?
If yes, Are you a true #CitizenJournalist or Professional journalist?

If yes, do you understand what is called conflict analysis? 

If yes or no, your response still begs the question: how politically intelligent are you?

The next time you hear there's a conflict brewing or about to, here's how to be a Conflict Analyst Guru:

1. Find out first, WHO ARE THE MAIN ACTORS? 


3. Who are the SPOILERS?

4. What are the INTERESTS of these spoilers and actors?

5.Who are the PROPAGANDISTS? 

6. What are the positions of these ACTORS, SPOILERS  & PROPAGANDIST? 

Now that you know this secret, don't be in a hurry for deliverables in posting, sharing, or talking about ANY information you have not verified.

Do research. Sit on it for while. Confirm from multiple divergent sources. Analyse these. And after you do, be smart HOW YOU POST INFORMATION.

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