Sunday, January 3, 2016

Why Do You Get Up Every Morning?

When you ask Nigerians that question be ready to hear answers like this:

 - I believe there's a reason (ask them to specify, the answer is usually vague, nothing concrete)
 - I am healthy
 - I am favoured
 - I'm Alive

Now try asking this question: Why Do You Go To Work?

The general response is:
- Man must wack
- I need the pay
- Man has to survive
- Because I have a job
- Because I don't want to lose my job
- I need the extra income
- If I don't go, there are many who are envious to get my job
- Well, it's the only job I have so I have to go

What doesn't strike many at once is that most people ought to go to work because they're part of something. Many think the pay check justify the reason to get up. But after the pay check then what?

You have to have a purpose, a mission or vision that needs to be accomplished.
You have to be part of a difference in some way, show it.
Let people know how much you contribute to life not to impress the but because you have somethng to offer as every human being should.

If you're in a work that feels like a job rather than something you're proud to be in, boredom sets in, unproductivity becomes your mantra, and the idle mind seeks fun where there isn't real value. Life then becomes a rut. Surely this is not how to live, you'll agree.

What will you do today to make every waking moment of your life and every desire to keep living fresh and rewarding?

Get out that door, stand for something and make that something come to pass. That is what a leader does. You are one. Be One.

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