Wednesday, April 29, 2015

What Nigerians Want From President Buhari and State Governors

Strategic implementation, reforms and overhaul:

Constant Power Generation, Distribution, Management and Monitoring of existing companies responsible for the distribution and management of power to homes in Nigeria.

Institutional Reforms: EFFC, ICPC, NAFDAC, SON, CON, NDDC, PTF, DESOPADEC,  NATIONAL AWARDS, Tertiary Institutions, etc.

Education: review current employees, insist on continuous monitoring of teachers and their performance with quarterly reports.

Health care: build more health centres in as many cities and communities, engaging only doctors with best practices and pedigree. Vigilantly monitor performance of health officials: management and lower cadre on the the job. The sacking of non-performing civil servants should be instituted and enforced. No more transfers or sacred cow treatment.

Economy: turn Nigeria into a producing nation rather than a consuming one. Flood Nigeria economy with our Naira notes rather than foreign currencies. Do business with foreign organisations or companies who care about their services and products and have respect for Nigerians. Bidding process for government projects should be standardized, open, unbiased and should not have interference in any manner from the Executive or members of any elite group who dances to the tune of some 'godfathers' or 'sacred cows'.

Proper drainage and waste disposal systems that are disciplined and well organised handled by both government and private business partnerships.

Build more refineries and restore old ones to international standard. "NO FUEL" or long fuel queues should not be the story of the wealthiest oil nation in Africa.

Infrastructure: build road networks that connects villages to urban settlements (internal and highways), railways (connecting all 36 states of Nigeria including the FCT), standard airlines (for human and cargos). 

Unemployment Reduction: building industries, revamping abandoned industries - textiles, manufacturing, production, assembly lines, etc.

Agro Allied Businesse: by products of all agricultural products that can be harnessed, converted or re-produced and packaged.

Agri Business: farming, fishing, poultry, animal husbandry etc.

Gas Reforms: NO MORE GAS FLARING. Otujeremi for the past 50 years is a wasteland for gas flaring; there are other areas in Delta state where gas flaring continues to be a bad practice by both multinational companies and indigenous managers. Rather than encourage gas flaring, this gas should be harnessed and converted or distributed to power Nigeria Factories, Businesses, Homes etc like Russia was smart enough to do rather than leave it to waste and degrade the community's environment. The gas flared from Otujeremi alone should be enough to power the whole of Delta state with just over 4,000,000 residents.

External Affairs: Better business and economic relations with countries who respect Nigeria and Nigerians when doing business in Nigeria. Ensuring too that Nigeria secrets are not exploited by big foreign companies or government bodies when we asked to be part of a joint committee that addresses any serious issues such as the Boko Haram menace, Foreign treaties or bilateral relations of any kind.

Increase level of Accountability by the Executive, Senates, House of Representatives, Judiciary and the Civil Service.

Zero Tolerance for corruption for ALL NIGERIANS. Any found guilty of this crime should pay the price and do the time. NO MORE PLEA BARGAINS. This is where international corruption begins. And that is more insidious.

Reduction of Inflation and falling of Nigerian Currency. Enough already! Appoint only those who are exceptional and understand the power of a vibrant economy to run key sectors and offices such as the CBN.

A better cohesiveness of our nation in key aspects of living e.g. housing. The level of exploitation and abusive increase in house rents by so-called estate agent, political office holders, and dubious developers should be looked into more critically. 

These expectations also needs to be fulfilled by state Governors if a complete and holistic effect of change is to be felt across the country.

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