Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Lessons from Nigeria 2015 Presidential Election

Get the process right. 
The use of PVC requires transparency, accountability and validity at all levels.

Engage the right man for the job. 
Jega did a fantastic job. 80% falls under ‘A’. 

Jonathan, however should have surrounded himself with persons with pedigree that can deliver through his six years in the areas of: power generation, modern rail and road construction and network, better accountability in government, zero tolerance for corruption and much more. 6 years was more than enough to have achieved significantly in the above. After all, his administration was simply a continuation from his predecessor: 6 years prior, 6 years after. How many more years did he still need to get the job done?! 

Surround yourself with those who know what needs to be done and gets it done. 
The returning officers, NYSC members and other adhoc team did a fantastic job. Mostly importantly, they refused to be bought.

Sensitize the people on their rights.
Nigerians should make effort to read and understand their rights, the power inherent in their votes, and how to work as a team to make things work properly. 
Above all, by showing restraint throughout the exercise, Nigerians showed they have come of age. Self Control and mastery over tension is commendable.

Civil service appointment is TO WORK; Not to steal. 
Let us hope that there would be no corruption charges leveled against Jonathan or his team. And should he be found wanting, Nigerians will not sleep until justice is meted out. Perception is everything. The new government must make sure it gets the zero tolerance for corruption right.

Reward honesty, merit and excellence over mediocrity at all levels. 
The perception of Buhari as an honesty man played a key role in his selection, but will that be who he becomes when he gets into office? The next 4 years will tell. And if he doesn't: he GETS BOOTED OUT too. Simple. 

Only true Performers should get two terms.

Having a certificate, bearing the tiles Dr. Prof and so on does not make you a performer. 

It it the Quality of your work, ethics, commitment and ability to always deliver every time, that counts. Then and only then, will your certificate or title have been well earned.

Government sources of revenues: oil, taxes, private and public sales of public structures such as NITEL, NEPA and so on, is not for settling your cronies who got you in. Buhari and APC, remember this as you enter Aso Rock come May 29th.

When voted in, GET THE JOB DONE!
Nigerians no longer believe that belonging to a particular religion is evidence of how productive you’ll be in office. Only the quality of your work and deeds will be the sole criteria.

Nothing like good political sportsmanship! 
When you lose, step down with your dignity still intact. Jonathan did. Whatever his reason were: cowardice, fear or the vein desire to be lauded by the international community as the "First African who conceded his office" - which he is not -  without being forced to do is not the focus here. While his action is commendable, he should not be flippantly labelled a HERO. True Heroism has only one face; not two faces.

Step down when the ovation is loudest. 

Step down even when there’s no ovation, but it becomes imperative to do so and act accordingly – willingly.

When you don’t under how a process works, do not use your political stature or connections to threaten a man who knows how to get a good job done well. This is where Orubebe did not get it right.

As Jonathan leaves office, what will Nigerians remember him for?
Not so much as the man who stepped down, but as the man who allowed many innocent children, mothers and men to die unjust death at the hands of Boko Haram. 
Nigerians will not forget how he used the political insecurity in the north as a political gimmick, a tool he needed to wield so he could clinch a second term when six weeks before election he decided it was time he proved he could deliver. 

When elected into office, have a clear vision and agenda on how to tackle a specific problem that Nigerians yearn for and you will forever be stamped into eternity. 
Never use your ‘ability’ to deliver to play carrot and stick. Otherwise, both the cart and the horse will turn against you and give you exactly what you've given.

Today YOU have spoken. 
Your voice has been heard Nigeria. Lets continue to make it heard throughout the echoes of our existence. 

Always be a Peace Ambassador for good: at work, at home, with friends, neighbours, acquaintances or wherever you find yourself. But those who think they have a license to kill by the sword will be met with equal force.

One Love Nigeria. 
Never settle for less than you truly deserve. And may our vision be to Always get it right for all the right reasons.

For more stories on how Civil Servants contributed to corruption, click this: 

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