Saturday, July 26, 2014


The other day I got talking to a friend of mine I hadn't seen in donkey years. We talked about everything: school, work, family, politics, religion, passions, joys and disappointments.

You may be surprised to find out what his greatest disappointment was. His reply to me was: "Do you know sickening it is to see men in changing rooms wearing torn, rumpled and sometimes dirty boxers and briefs? It's even more devastating to be living with a wife who is not clean down there. Who feels her personal hygiene is not enough for me to feel disinterested in fulfilling my marital dues."

I think the look on my face must have been one of bewilderment because his next response to me "Yeah, right she said that to me", got me sitting upright on my chair. Now I was all attention. But that was when he decided to change the subject.

Just yesterday, a woman at the office was gisting to another close friend of hers (I happen to be within their hearing shots 'cos they wanted me to make my inputs later once I'm through with what I was doing), of how her husband came home all sweaty and dusty from the Lagos traffic and simply wanted to get down with her without washing first. She tried to get him to wash but he took that as a personal insult and stomped off to a point-and-kill joint to hang out with his friends instead watching the FIFA 2014 World Cup.

My point? 

Women and men; husbands and wives want to be treated like babies: kissed, cuddled, touched, hugged, necked, loved, etc. But as you can see it's a whole lot easier to do that when we smell good and clean, right? And just in case you've forgotten, it's part of the romance in marriage. That doesn't mean you buy expensive perfumes. No. Simple daily wash and regular cleaning is all you need. How cheap is that?

Besides you don't have to wait till you're married to keep clean. Smelling fresh and clean is a lifestyle. It is not some act you put on when the guy is around, and put off when the babe has left the building.

So, HOW CLEAN ARE YOU down there and in every respects...?

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